Christian Formation


19.1 Mandate The Department for Christian Formation, Liturgy and Culture is at the service of the local dioceses. The Department attends to all matters concerned with Catholic Education, Catechetics, liturgy and associated cultural issues through the three Commissions and the Catholic Board of Education which are members of the Department.

The Department is also the official respondent of the Conference to the relevant Congregations and Councils of the Holy See, and to the related bodies of other Episcopal Conferences.

19.2 Function The Department includes the Catholic Board of Education and oversees and coordinates the work of its different Commissions. It is guided by the Council for Evangelisation and is at the service of the member dioceses of the Conference.

19.3 Membership

The Department comprises the following:
 Catholic Board of Education (CBE)
 Commission for Catechetics and Christian Formation.
 Commission for Liturgy
 Commission for Culture

19.4 Membership of the Department consists of the following:

19.4.1 an Episcopal Chairperson, an Episcopal Vice-Chairperson and the Liaison Bishop of the CBE who is its President;

19.4.2 a non-episcopal Secretary of each Commission, duly appointed by the Administrative Board, one of whom serves as co-ordinating secretary;

19.4.4 the Director of the Catholic Institute of Education (CIE);

19.4.4 non-episcopal members who have expertise and pastoral experience in the fields of Education, Catechesis, Liturgy and Inculturation. These members hold office for three years, renewable. Ad hoc committees may be set up for specific purposes, and for a specific period.

19.5 Catholic Board of Education (CBE)

19.5.1 The Catholic Board of Education is an Associate Body of the Conference and its status is described under Chapter 6 of the Statutes.

19.5.2 The Liaison Bishop is the President of the CBE. 19.5.3 The Chairperson of the CBE is a member of the Department.

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