Strengthening Justice and Peace through Laudato si’ goals

19 May, 2022

At the SACBC Justice and Peace Department had a workshop on Laudato Si Fr. Stan Muyebe, appealed to the participants to make sure they are at the center of implementation of SACBC Pastoral plan in their diocese, particularly the sections on care of creation. The workshop took place from the 17 to 19 May 2022.

Fr. Muyebe, the Director of Justice and Peace, also reminded them about the Laudato Si week from the 22 – 29 May 2022 and the Season of Creation in September. He also hinted that some of the diocesan Justice and Peace groups organized events in their parish during last year’s Season of Creation. 

Previously the J&P office had encouraged the Justice and Peace groups in various dioceses to launch a tree planting campaign.  On that note Fr. Muyebe thanked the dioceses that heeded this call. He finally asked them to implement the resolutions from the plenary meeting of bishops, calling on them to strengthen the justice and peace structures in the parishes and dioceses.

Bernadette Crewe-Brown facilitated the overview of Laudato Si’ and Laudato Si’ Action Platform before getting into the finer details when the group was looking the seven goals of the Encyclical. n encouraged the participants to enrol at the Laudato Si’ action platform website for more useful resources. She also praised the fact that the SACBC pastoral plan has a section for the care for creation.

LSAP speaks about “A journey towards full sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology” of which Crewe-Brown said in order to achieve that people need to be grounded on good values.  She also said It will be beneficial to belong to the Laudato Si’ movement as an animator.

The J&P Office said the workshop is meant as guideline for the implementation of the Care of Creation Training Manual the dioceses, but also serves as an opportunity for dioceses to have in input on before the finalized manual is approved and printed. This is because the manual is based on Suggestions from all over the world and therefore there’s a need to have suggestions that are coming from Africa.