We are family! We are one! Is a call for all to heed the reality that we are all connected to each other and to all of creation on our planet and beyond. In this time when violence, disrespect of human life and xenophobia are rife we call on all to promote the dignity and unity of all in whatever way we can.
We realise that much of the violence is the fruit of frustration and anger at the unequal distribution of wealth and the greed of those who steal from the majority claiming much more than they need. This too is the violence we deplore.
The true soul of Africa is one of deep respect for life in all its forms. Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace is the prototype of this value. Our vowed life as Religious is a witness to this Peace.
This mandala is a call for us to go back to this centre who is Christ himself and give witness to the Gospel of Peace so as to promote unity, harmony and dignity amongst all humankind.
As Constellation 6, we align ourselves with all the statements that have been released by the Church and echo the same sentiments against xenophobia and gender based violence /femicide as crimes against humanity.
[embeddoc url=”http://sacbc.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Local-Congregations-on-Xenophobia.pdf” download=”all”]For more information contact: Sr Khensani: +27 812863137