SACC Message of Condolence

31 Dec, 2022

SACC Message of Condolence to The Apostolic Nuncio in South Africa, the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference, and members of the Roman Catholic Church in South Africa

The South African Council of Churches (SACC), its leadership under Archbishop Thabo Makgoba the President, extends deep condolences to the Vatican, the Catholic Bishops Conference and congregations of the Roman Catholic Church in South Africa on the occasion of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI transitioning to the worshipping congregation of the faithful departed. 

As we join the church in mourning, we celebrate and honour the long service to the Church, of the late Pontiff, with a solid theological foundation with which he has helped uphold the faith of the Church. 

We thank God for Pope Emeritus Benedict’s apostolate, and pray for his soul in gratitude for his life. The words of Our Lord in the parable of the talents could not be more apt, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord!”

May God the Holy Spirit embrace the Church and the Ratzinger family with the balm of consolation; and may the holy angels receive him with alacrity and joy!