In his message of the 9th May titled “Building the Future with Migrants and Refugees” for the 108 World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2022, the Holy Father sends a reminder that the ultimate meaning of our “journey” in this world is the search for our true homeland, the Kingdom of God inaugurated by Jesus Christ.
The 108 World Day of Migrants and Refugees is set for the 25th September 2022. Pope Francis says in this message that the tragedies of history remind us how far people are from arriving at our goal, the new Jerusalem, “the dwelling place of God with men” and yet this does not mean that people should lose heart.
“In our daily efforts to do the Lord’s will, justice needs to be built up with patience, sacrifice, and determination, so that all those who hunger and thirst for it may be satisfied,” said the Pontiff. Getting to the heart of the matter at hand the Roman Pontiff said no one must be excluded since God’s plan is essentially inclusive and gives priority to those living on the existential peripheries. “Among them are many migrants and refugees, displaced persons, and victims of trafficking,” adds the Pope.
“Building the future with migrants and refugees also means recognizing and valuing how much each of them can contribute to the process of construction,” said Pope Francis adding that he would like to see this approach to migration reflected in a prophetic vision of Isaiah, which considers foreigners not invaders or destroyers, but willing labourers who rebuild the walls of the new Jerusalem, that Jerusalem whose gates are open to all peoples.
With a special appeal to young people the Holy Father said, “Dear brothers and sisters, and, in a special way, young people! If we want to cooperate with our heavenly Father in building the future, let us do so together with our brothers and sisters who are migrants and refugees. Let us build the future today!”
Read Pope Francis’ full message here