Archbishop Buti Tlhagale

Pope Francis Congratulates Archbishop Tlhagale for his 25th Anniversary of Episcopal Service

10 Apr, 2024

April 10 marks the 25th anniversary of the episcopal Ordination of Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale OMI.

On Chrism Mass, March 28, the Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Apostolic Nunciature in South Africa Mgr. Dario Paviša surprised Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale OMI with a message from the Holy Father Pope Francis congratulating the Metropolitan Archbishop of Johannesburg for his 25th year of episcopal service.

Pope Francis message was written in Latin and read in English by Mgr. Dario Paviša to the entire people of God during the Chrism Mass held at the Cathedral of Christ the King.

To our Venerable Brother BUTI JOSEPH TLHAGALE, O.Ml., Metropolitan Archbishop of Johannesburg, as he celebrates the twenty fifth anniversary of his episcopal ordination,

We heartily congratulate you on your active ministry, recalling your many years of energetic involvement in the many projects undertaken during your episcopal ministry and in pastoral charity, first in the Archdiocese of Bloemfontein, then in the community of Johannesburg, which you serve with care. We therefore abundantly beseech the Lord for the encouragement of your spirit, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Immaculate Conception and her most chaste Spouse St Joseph, and impart with heartfelt affection our fraternal blessing to you and to your flock, asking in turn for your prayers that I may exercise the Petrine office with the joy of the Gospel.

Given at Rome, at the Lateran, the 23rd day of March in the year 2024.