Newsletter, February 2021

17 May, 2021

This sounds like a Clearance Sales promotion. But it’s not. It’s a reminder. February 28 is the last day of the 20/21 tax year. That means that any donation received before the 28th qualifies for a Section 18A tax rebate certificate for SARS. Any contribution received after 1 March falls into the tax year of 21/22. I am almost tempted to add “Get yours now while stocks last”.  This reminder is for all those who during the year intended to make a contribution but kept putting it off for one reason or another. This is their chance to do it all in one go and claim their certificate. The Foundation bank details are as follows.

Bank: Nedbank
Branch number: 160445
Type of Account: Current
Account number: 1604879564
Account name: SACBC Foundation.
Reference: Your phone number.

Of course, anyone may apply for their 18A at any time.

Now something to sooth the heart in these trying times. You may have read it before but enjoy it again.

Traditional Irish Blessing

I wish you not a path devoid of clouds
Nor a life on a bed of roses
Nor that you might never need regret
Nor that you should never feel pain
No, that is not my wish for you.
My wish for you:
Is that your will be brave in times of trial

When others lay crosses on your shoulders
When mountains must be climbed and chasms must be crossed.
When hope can scarce shine through.
That every gift that God gave you may grow along with you.

And let you give the gift of joy to all who care for you.
That you may always have a friend that is worth that name,
Whom you can trust.
Who helps you in times of sadness.

Who will defy the storms of daily life at your side.
One more wish I have for you
That in every hour of joy and pain you may feel God close to you.
This is my wish for you and for all who care for you.

This is my hope for you now and forever.
God be with you all and keep you and your family free from the Covid. 

Fr. Barney

PS. The bank number for the Lenten Appeal is Standard Bank 010009744 if anyone wants to donate.  (Account name, SACBC Lenten Appeal)