Mons Dario to Bishop Elect: “Be steadfast in your love for God and His people”

27 May, 2023

“Be steadfast in your love for God and His people,” said the Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Apostolic Nunciature in South Africa.

In his reflection during the solemn vespers on the eve of the Episcopal ordination of Right Reverend Elias Kwensakufani Zondi as the Auxiliary Bishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Durban, Mons. Dario Paviša said, “Be steadfast in your love for God and His people. Embrace the virtues of humility, gentleness, and patience as you serve as a servant-leader among us.”

“Seek wisdom and guidance through prayer, drawing closer to the heart of Christ so that you may be filled with the grace needed for this sacred task. Be a bridge between the faithful and the Church, listening attentively to the needs and concerns of those entrusted to your care,” said Mons. Paviša during the Solemn Vespers on Friday, May 26.

Mons. Paviša called on those gathered at Emmanuel Cathedral to “reflect on the immense responsibility” that the bishop-elect will undertake.

“He will be called to share in the apostolic ministry, assisting our diocesan bishop in the pastoral care of the faithful. He will be entrusted with the task of shepherding souls, leading them closer to Christ, and guiding them on the path of holiness,” said Mons. Paviša.

He went on to say that “the Bishop serves as a visible sign of the unity of faith, preserving the deposit of faith handed down through the apostles and ensuring its authentic transmission to future generations. Through his teaching, he proclaims the Gospel in its fullness, safeguarding the truths of our faith and guiding the faithful in the paths of righteousness.”

The Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of the Apostolic Nunciature in South Africa further said that the “Bishop acts as a unifying figure within the diocese, bringing together the diverse members of the Church and fostering a sense of belonging and communion.”

“He serves as a shepherd, caring for the spiritual needs of the faithful, promoting unity and harmony among the clergy and laity, and creating an environment where all can grow in their love for God and one another,” he added.

In the May 26 reflection Mons. Paviša said that “the Bishop is also a visible sign of communion with the universal Church.” That “through his connection to the apostolic succession and his communion with the Holy Father, he represents the bond that exists among all dioceses and the worldwide Catholic community.”

“This unity,” he continued, “extends beyond geographical boundaries, cultural differences, and diverse expressions of faith, uniting us all in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.”

The representative of the Holy Father reminded the Bishop-elect and the faithful gathered at Emmanuel Cathedral that “the role of a Bishop is not one that is sought after or obtained through personal ambition, but rather a calling from God Himself.”

“It is a calling that requires unwavering faith, deep humility, and a burning love for Christ and His Church,” said Mons. Paviša, and added, “Our new auxiliary Bishop has responded to this call, saying yes to the Lord’s invitation to serve in this sacred ministry.”

Up until his appointment on March 9, Mons. Zondi had been serving as the Vicar General of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Durban.