July Bishops Foundation 2nd Newletter

1 Aug, 2023

This year World Youth Day will be taking place in Lisbon, Portugal from the 1st to the 6th of August.
Several pilgrim groups have gone from South Africa. The trip to world youth day, for those
fortunate to go, offers a wonderful opportunity to be a part of the universal Church and to
experience its real catholicity. The trip to Lisbon is part holiday as well as part spiritual pilgrimage
as there are Catechetical sessions to attend, Masses, the Way of the Cross. On the final morning
the Holy Father will celebrate Mass with all the pilgrims in Lisbon.

“During this coming week let us pray for and with our pilgrims the prayer of WYD 2023. Asking Our
Lady to look after all at the event and to bring them home safely filled with the desire to be like
Mary and to go out to others to share the Good News,” says the SACBC Secretary General Fr Hugh O’Connor