2 Feb, 2021

The SIGNIS Asia Radio Desk in conjunction with the SIGNIS World Radio desk is planning to host the first-ever SIGNIS Catholic International Radio Encounter in February 2022, in Sri Lanka, under the theme, “Engaging the Youth for a Dynamic Radio Uniting Asia and the World.” At this International forum, we hope to bring together some of SIGNIS’ radio experts to share experiences and learn from each other. A key feature will be the participation of some young people from all continents, at this international encounter. It is also our hope that we can invite one of the officials from the Dicastery of Communication to this gathering.

In order to promote interest among young persons, a decision was taken to hold in 2021, a Radio contest for the worlds’ young people, with title ‘Youth Competition on Podcast 2021’. For the contest, the youth will be asked to submit 1-3 minutes podcasts on Pope Francis’ recent Encyclical Letter, “Fratelli Tutti: On fraternity and social friendship.” This is also a way to encourage the youth to read the document. All Podcast programs must submit with attached synopsis in English, and recommended or approved by the SIGNIS Country President.

Apart from some cash prizes, we invite the youth from SIGNIS Africa, SIGNIS Asia, SIGNIS Latin America & the Caribbean, SIGNIS Europe and SIGNIS North America & the Pacific to join the competition, and sponsor the winner(s) to the International Radio Contest of Sri Lanka. SIGNIS is not responsible for any copyright related issues. The podcasts will be made available for broadcast on Vatican Radio.

Entries end of June, 2021
Kindly send it to:

Yours sincerely,
Bernadetta Widi
SIGNIS Asia Secretary & Radio Encounter Convenor