Mr Andrew Mlangeni pic by Sunday World

Catholic Church Message of Condolences on the Passing on of Mr Andrew Mlangeni

22 Jul, 2020

The Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) would like to convey sincere condolences to the Mlangeni Family and to the people of South Africa as a whole on the passing on of Mr Andrew Mlangeni. 

 As a Catholic Church, we applaud him for his contribution in bringing about a democratic South Africa in which all people are equal. We acknowledge with appreciation the sacrifice he made in his personal life to realize the ideal of an equal society. We thank God for gifting him with long life and thus affording South Africa the benefit of his wisdom as an elder in helping to establish a mature democracy in our country. 

As the last Rivonia Trialist to leave this world, we acknowledge the contribution of his generation to the freedom enjoyed by all in our country today. His passing away is a historic moment for the people of South Africa. The life and service of Mr Andrew Mlangeni is a challenge to all our people and our leaders to take our country forward in the spirit of sacrifice and service, evidence by the generous life of this hero.

Despite the scourge of Covid-19 we will continue to celebrate the life of Andrew Mlangeni in our hearts. We would like to convey our special condolences to President Cyril Ramaphosa on the loss of this icon of our nation.  

 May the soul of Mr. Andrew Mlangeni rest in perfect peace. 

Bishop Sithembele Sipuka (SACBC President)

For more information kindly contact: Archbishop W. Slattery ofm – +27 (0) 83 468 5473