By: Thembekile Kanise
The Catholic Diocese of Mthatha is one of the areas affected by floods that engulfed South Africa. The area affected the most is Port St John’s where an estimated 420 families were left destitute after heavy rains swept their homes. These rains also left them empty-handed with food, furniture, clothes and school books all swept away.
The Bishop of Mthatha, Bishop Sithembele Sipuka dispatched a Caritas Team let by the Mthatha Caritas Coordinator, Mr Thembekile J Kanise. The team could not believe the reality of the pain suffered by the people of Green’s Farm whose houses and roads were washed away. The team was lucky enough to be met by Miss Bukekwa Mxinwa who had lost everything and her home was all muddy. She was very angry mistaking Caritas Members for government officers. She led the team to different homes. Other houses slided to destroy others. Luckily no one was injured nor died at Green Farm. Other affected areas included Mthumbane Township and Ngxongweni village, where a child died.
After receiving a report the Bishop ordered that relief plans should be activated. All this was happening during the Holy Week. The Bishop was adamant that saving lives remains an important action in the Church. Through the Bishop’s office funds were made available to ensure that families received support. As these funds were not adequate, Caritas Mthatha worked with Dr Maria of Caritas Mthatha to add more support.
Through the efforts of the two office, the Bishop’s Office and Caritas South Africa, Caritas Mthatha was able to give groceries to over 50 families. The grocery will be able to cater for the entire family, meanwhile others received uniform and books. Caritas Mthatha was able to supply 20 thousand litres of waters.
Caritas Mthatha observed that many of the families require additional help for building homes, TLB (tractor loader backhoe) to remove the soil that fell into their belongings and to repair access roads.

An appeal for donations
Caritas South Africa is the helping hand of the church reaching out the poor, vulnerable and
excluded, regardless of race or religion, to build a world based on justice and fraternal love. Caritas
South Africa is an effective member of Caritas Internationalis which is a confederation of over 160
members organizations who are working at the grassroots in almost every country of the world. The
Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) has established Caritas South Africa so that
the social activities of the Church within South Africa may be performed in an ordered and effective
way guided by the social teachings of the Church. Caritas is already on the ground of Durban,
Mariannhill and in other Dioceses in KwaZulu Natal, the region affected by the floods.
Please donate to the following Bank Details, with reference to: KZN Flood Relief
SACBC Caritas South Africa
Nedbank, Pretoria.
Branch Code 198-765,
Account number 1604 782 242
Send the deposit slip to for a formal acknowledgement.