On Pentecost Sunday, 23rd May 2021, the Bishop of Tzaneen, Bishop Joao Rodrigues released a letter announcing the next phase in the Cause of Canonisation of Blessed Benedict Daswa. It is a fact that a many people have been wondering what is happening with the cause now as it seemed that things have gone quiet. When it comes to the Causes of Beatification and Canonisation a lot of work takes place behind scenes and the Cause for Blessed Benedict Daswa has not been an exception in this regard.
As Bishop Rodrigues states in the letter the cause for the beatification of Blessed Daswa was that of martyrdom therefore “there was no need for a miracle to be recognized by the church for the first phase of the process”, meaning there was no need for a miracle for the beatification to take place. But for canonisation a miracle was required and it is to this factor that he has written the later to give an update of the process towards canonization. The bishop said, “Some of the faithful people have received favours that are remarkable and they have shared their experiences with us.” Some of those favours were selected and send to Rome to be considered for a possible miracle by the Congregation for the Cause of Saints. But one favour in particular was selected by Rome to be investigated and that process has been completed and the relevant documents have now been sent to Rome.
It means now the diocesan phase is now completed and we have now entered what is called the Roman phase. At this stage the postulator in Rome and the said Congregation take over from here onwards. The congregation will make its judgement on the matter and if they find favourably they will forward it to Pope Francis who will make his judgement. If the Pope agrees with the Congregation’s judgment he will make a pronouncement that Blessed Daswa may now be canonised. “We confidently yet patiently wait in prayer like the apostles and disciples waited in prayer and fasting in the upper room for the coming of the Holy Spirit”, said the bishop. Bishop Rodrigues is appealing to the faithful to pray the Rome we may get a favourable response from Rome.
You may download the letter of the Bishop of Tzaneen below