SACBC President Bishop S. Sipuka lights the SACBC Pastoral Plan Launch.

Bishop Sipuka: Let us listen to the voice inside of us that is inviting us to reduce our evil

10 Mar, 2023

During this time of Lent, we are invited to move from badness to goodness, to move from sin to holiness. But being used to our sins, it is perhaps not likely that we will abandon our sin completely and immediately, but in the light of today’s first reading, let us listen to the voice inside of us that is inviting us to reduce or to temper our evil because that could be the journey towards eventually abandoning evil.

If our sinful behaviour and attitudes cannot stop immediately during this time of lent, at least it must not increase, it must decrease. We must decrease in badness and increase in goodness.

“In you, O Lord, I put my trust, let me never be put to shame; release me from the snare they have hidden for me, for you indeed are my refuge.” (Cf. Ps30:2.5)