Dear People of God,
Due to the tragic war unfolding in Ukraine, Pope Francis will lead an Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the Feast of the Annunciation this Friday March 25. The Pope will make the prayer in St Peter’s Basilica, on the occasion of the Celebration of Penance, scheduled to begin at 5 pm (Rome Time). The same act, on the same day, will be undertaken by the Catholic bishops of the world. Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the papal almoner, will perform the act of consecration at Fatima as the envoy of the Pope. I invite our priests with community members to do a recitation of the Rosary for peace in our churches and homes in solidarity with the prayer of Pope Francis for the suffering people of Eastern Europe.
We are also aware of other regions in the world and in Africa where there are terrible conflicts taking place such as in the Tigray region of Ethiopia and in Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique. Let us intercede for the needs of all victims of war and pray for the conversion of the perpetrators of unjust violence so that they may heed the words of the Lord: “Put your sword back in its place for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” (Matthew 26:52)
Let us pray for the special intention during each decade of the rosary:
God of реасе and justice,
1.We pray for the реорlе of Ukraine who are suffering and living in fear because of the bombardments of their cities and homes that your Spirit of comfort may be with them.
2.We pray for the vulnerable children and their mothers that they may be sheltered and be protected from harm.
3.We pray for the world leaders that they may be guided by your Spirit of wisdom, discernment and compassion and help bring an end to the war.
4.We pray for the Russian leadership and its soldiers that they may hear the voice of God urging them to stop the bombardments and to lay down their weapons and withdraw from occupying unjustly the country of the Ukraine.
5.We pray for peace in other regions of the world where people are suffering from the ravages of war and violent conflicts.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Реасе.
God bless you,
+Joao Rodrigues
Bishop of Tzaneen
Chairperson of the SACBC Department for Catholic Social Action
22 March 2022