The Department for Formation, Life and Apostolate of the Laity of the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) must be “at the service of the local dioceses” says the Liaison Bishop.
In his address to the members of the Department during their biannual meeting held at Lumko Institute and Conference Centre, Archbishop Zolile Peter Mpambani SCI thanked members for their service to the Church and called for “a productive collaboration between the Clergy and the lay faithful.”
“The Department is at the service of the local dioceses,” he said, and added, “Moreover, it is the responsibility of the Department to ensure that there is a productive collaboration between the Clergy and the lay faithful.”
On his part, the coordinating secretary of the department, Fr Nhlanhla Mchunu, reminded the participants about the objectives that were set out by the Council of the Laity. Fr Mchunu, encouraged the members of the department to take seriously the call to become a self-supporting church.
During the two-day meeting, the different bodies and sodalities that are under the department for the Laity presented their comprehensive reports, outlining their activities and how they are participating in their respective dioceses.
According to Fr Mchunu the marriage and life office, reminded the members that the marriage and family life ministry is not reserved for couples only.
“Every parish should have this ministry just like youth and catechetical ministries. The marriage and family life is working on a document that will assist parishes in strengthening their family ministries,” said Fr Mchunu.
He added, “The Youth deck presented a beautiful program on the care of the environment called Youth-go-clean.”
“This initiative by young people” he said “is a response to Pope Francis’ call to care for our common home. The young people state that their program is not about cleaning a dirty city, but a ‘dirty mind’. They argue that pollution begins with a dirty mind. Sodslities and other departmental stakeholders were asked to support this noble initiative.”
In the meantime as members of the Department for Formation, Life, and Apostolate of the Laity await for the approval of the manual for the Laity, members have identified seven objectives for the department, namely;
1. Formation towards a self-supporting Church.
2. Conscietise more about the role and importance of lay participation in the Church.
3. Youth support and ongoing Formation of the lay faithful
4. Support marriage and Family Life desk.
5. Support the Clergy and local religious congregations.
6. Care for the environment.
7. Effective implementation of the Bishops’ Pastoral Plan.