Bishops’ Foundation Letters 

Bishops Foundation 1st Newsletter for January 2024

In the first Bishops Foundation Newsletter for January 2024, the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) Secretary General expresses gratitude to friends and benefactors for their "support of the Foundation during 2023" and their generosity during the...

Christmas message

"Wishing you a very Holy Christmas and a Happy New Year. May 2024 be a year of many blessings. Thank you for your continued support for the Foundation and for thinking about the Foundation during this Christmas time." SACBC Secretary General Fr Hugh O'Connor...

December Newsletter

In the December Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) Foundation Newsletter, the SCABC Secretary General Fr Hugh O'Connor reflects on the Season of Advent, and highlits Pope Francis prayer intention for December. December-2023-1Download

November 1st Newsletter

"Pope Francis in his Message for the Seventh World Day of the Poor writes that this day is a fruitful sign of the Father’s mercy and a support for the lives of our communities. As its celebration becomes more and more rooted in the pastoral life of the Church, it...

October Extraordinary Foundation Newsletter

"We are assailed with images of war, violence, and destruction from across the world. There is great suffering around us and amid it all we are called to live our lives as best we can with as much humanity as we can," SACBC Secretary General Fr Hugh O'Connor...

October 1st Newsletter

"Where have all the days gone? Time just seems to be flying by and so much is happening. A newCardinal, the end of the Month of Creation, the beginning of the Synod, a new book by the Pope “Holy,not Worldly. God's Grace Saves Us from Interior Corruption”, an update on...

September 2nd Newsletter

"On the 30th of September Pope Francis will confer thecardinalate upon 21 new cardinals at St Peters in Rome.Amongst them will be Archbishop Stephen Brislin of theArchdiocese of Cape Town. The Pope does this at a meetingcalled a Consistory which is a formal meeting of...

September 1st Newsletter

While Spring has not sprung all at once across the country new and colourfullife is appearing – from the dry earth, after winter fires and from the wet andgreen lands of the winter rainfall areas. Creation is beautiful, precious andhas been declared as good by none...

August 2nd Newsletter

In the second Bishops Foundation Newsletter for the month of August, the Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) Secretary General highlights the Season of Creation and Pope Francis visit to Mongolia. August-2023-2Download