Sr Phuthunywa Catherine Siyali HC belongs to the Congregation of the Sister of the Holy Cross, Southern African Province. She was born in 1970 in Aliwal North, Eastern Cape Province and joined the Holy Cross Sisters in 1989. She made her First Profession in 1994 and her Final Vows in 2000. She obtained her BTH degree from UNISA in 2006 and BTH Honours through the University of KwaZulu Natal in 2011. She also trained as a Spiritual Director and Retreat Director through the Jesuit Institute of South Africa in 2017. At the end of 2020 she completed a Formation of Formators Course in Nairobi Kenya at AOSK Chemchemi Ya Uzima Institute (under the Association of Sisterhood of Kenya).
She has worked in various Diocesan posts such as a Diocesan Animator, Diocesan Catechetical Coordinator, HIV/AIDS Coordinator and as a Board member of the AIDS program and empowering under privileged women with handwork skills. She has also worked in the SACBC Department for Christian Formation, Liturgy and Culture as the Coordinating Secretary for Culture (2013-2019) and later on took on an additional Commission as the SACBC Liturgy Coordinator from 2016 to 2019. She also has pastoral experience as a Holy Cross Formator and in the pastoral care of Vocations as Directress and was involved in different spheres in the work of her Congregation and Province.
Sr Siyali said that she is under no illusions about the responsibility she is being charged with. She is appreciative of the trust placed in her by Church Leadership and the Holy Cross Congregation and she will give her best in the service of God and the Church.