A Brand new docudrama on the apparitions of Our Lady in Kibeho, Rwanda

20 Nov, 2021

If you are old enough to understand what are crimes against humanity you have probably heard about the genocide that ravaged the people of Rwanda during the civil war in 1994. Many accounts of what happened in that horrible period of about 100 days have been told.

You will be lucky to hear in many of those accounts that there was a forewarning, let alone one from the Mother of Jesus. It is only when you become familiar with the story of our Lady of Kibeho that you will learn about the warning which was given well ahead of time.

“Kibeho: Listen My Children” is the title of an EWTN Original production docudrama which premiers at 05:00 SA time on Thursday, November 25, with encores at 20:30 on Sunday, November 28, and 6:00 on Monday, November 29. See the trailer at https://bit.ly/KibehoTrailer.

In the press release the EWTN said The Nov. 24 premiere will be preceded at 15:00 SA time by “EWTN Live,” with Immaculée IIlibagiza, who appears prominently in the docudrama. Immaculée is the woman who told the world about the genocide in the 2017 best-selling book, “Left to Tell,” which was later made into a well-known documentary by the same name.

The press release also said in addition to observations from Immaculée, the docudrama includes footage of the actual Rwandan school girl visionaries, the mental torture they endured by those who did not believe them, the doctors who were charged with determining if they were mentally ill, and church officials who made the final determination.

Among other things, Our Lady of Kibeho requested that the people of Rwanda pray the Seven Sorrow Rosary, a devotion given to St. Bridget centuries earlier which had largely been forgotten. During the genocide, the sisters at the convent school the visionaries attended prayed this rosary from morning to evening. All survived the bloodbath. (Find meditations on the Seven Sorrows Rosary and more in this little booklet from EWTNRC: https://bit.ly/7SorrowsRosary

In the film, we witness Our Lady taking one of the visionaries, Marie Claire Mukangango, to heaven, hell and purgatory. When Marie Claire asks Our Lady why she was shown these places, she tells her: “I showed you so you know the life that matters most is what is coming after this life on earth. Go and tell everyone. Encourage them to live the right way. Tell them to live without respecting God is the ultimate waste of time. They will regret it bitterly.” Our Lady also said: “You have to tell the people that these places actually exist. To refuse Jesus is to refuse paradise.”